Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Environmentalist Speaker: Ahmed El-Dorghamy

The impact of food choices on the Environment:

Food is one of our most important lifestyle choices that has a great impact on the environment. Blind consumerism is plaguing our world today and can be related to most of our environmental concerns and involves many socio-economic problems as well.  In order to understand the dimensions of these problems, better understanding of the Life Cycle Assessment concept, Carbon Footprints, Water Footprints and Virtual Water, are a few among many concepts that should be understood by environmental activists and vegetarians to have a sense of perspective and appreciation of their food choices, which will improve their ability to raise awareness beyond their circle. It is also a lot of fun to be able to explain the dramatic global dimensions of the bit of food you're chewing on!


El-Dorghamy is an Environmental Management Consultant assisting the government, NGOs, and private sector in environmental management and planning. He received both his M.Sc. in Energy Technology and M.Sc. in Environment from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. He is currently co-founder of the Green Arm of Nahdet El-Mahrousa NGO aiming to promote environmental awareness and encourage collaboration amongst environmental groups and activists. He is also co-founder of Cairo Cyler's Club (CCC) and continues to engage in various activities that promote healthier and environmentally conscious lifestyles. 

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