Thursday, January 6, 2011

Animal Rights Speaker: Nadia Montasser

There are so many reasons why one should go vegetarian. Those include, but are not limited to protecting your health, stopping environmental pollution &global warming, fighting poverty worldwide and fighting cruelty to animals. Open your eyes and see what you might have never seen before. Chew on the reasons why you should go vegetarian instead of chewing on meat!!


Nadia is a graduate of Economics from the Faculty of Economics &Political Sciences, Cairo University. She has 7 years of experience in different fields.
For the past 5 years, Nadia has been an animal rights activist helping Animal Welfare Organizations in Egypt. Nadia represents the biggest Animal Rights Organization in the world (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). She is their contact person in the Middle East. She has traveled to several Arab countries speaking in press conferences about animal abuse. Her contributions in the field led to shedding the light on the horrendous abuse inflicted on animals inside slaughterhouses in Egypt, leading to Australia banning live animal exports to Egypt until conditions were improved. Nadia won the Genesis Award, on the international Brigit Bardot category in 2006, after contributing to a special feature on animal rights in a Pakistani magazine.
She has participated in several demos with PETA in Egypt; one of which was with a man dressed as a sheep giving flowers to the Australian ambassador after banning live sheep exports to Egypt in 2006. In 2007 she was arrested and interrogated for a few hours after participating in a demo with a man dressed as a crippled chicken demonstrating against KFC’s cruelty in Tahrir square. Her latest peaceful PETA demo was last summer in Mostafa Mahmoud square titled (Spice up your life; Go Vegetarian). She has been a vegetarian for 5 years now.

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